Monday, June 20, 2005

What a weekend?

It started with the company picnic. Even though every one complained about the changes in the picnic, it turned out to be a very good event. At least, according to me. The four of us and the Englishman ate together and my leg was being pulled all the time by none other than the Englishman. It was fun. It was time for a volley ball game after that. I was not sure if I would be able to play because of the two immunization shots (tetanus and the first dose of MMR) that I had taken earlier but I was alright and the game was fun.

Played tennis after work and had food at a Greek sandwich place. The garlic chicken sandwich and French Fries were so good. Watched Sideways as I wrote earlier. Saturday was disk golf time. It was fun because it was nice to hang out in the woods and playing with another guy who was as bad as I was. One of our disks fell into the stream twice and we stopped the second time.

I had almost forgotten the art of roller blading. Thanks to my decision not to go to Chicago this weekend, I could roller blade on both Saturday and Sunday though by myself. I told the shopkeeper that I have to get married because I felt bored roller blading alone and his reply was that after I get married my wife might probably throw my roller blades out of the window. A good piece of advise from a married man.

I watched "Motor Cycle Diaries" on Saturday. I did not know what inspired Che Guevara to do all that he did but now I do. A very good movie. The story of two men who, unlike in "Sideways" did meaningful things and turned out to be very popular men in their life. It was very good to know that there are people in the world who care about the atrocities being done to human beings and go on to do something about that. I admire those selfless people.


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