Friday, October 27, 2006

The real worry

The troupes in Iraq are under tremendous stress and some Vietnam veterans say that these soldiers might find it harder than they did after the war. Last night NBC's Brian Williams did a story on how the troupes are handling such situations. Stress management sessions are offered to the soldiers and they are told how to better cope up with the hardships that they are subjected to everyday. The soldiers carried lucky charms like gold coins, photographs and so on but the most striking fact was the fear that many soldiers carried in their hearts but never discussed among themselves. The real fear, the real worry, the worry about "Jody". What is Jody or rather who is Jody? Jody is, explained one soldier, the guy back home who is with the wife or the girl friend.

It is not just the enemy that a soldier has to worry about. He doesn't know if he is going to go back home only to see his loved ones with Jodi. What a soldier!


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