Tuesday, July 18, 2006

"Shove it" or tough "s***"

It was during the 2004 presidential election campaign that Teresa Heinz Kerry, the wife of candidate John Kerry, told a reporter from the Tribune-Review "Understandable. You said something I didn't say -- now shove it." That kind of a reaction is not befitting a potential first lady, is it? A couple of weeks ago I read an article in one of the prominent web sites about Hillary Clinton, a former first lady and a potential "first lady" of the country being rude in her choice of words when it comes to dealing with people who work for her and that made some people wonder if they would vote for her in the event of her contesting in the presidential election in 2008. Are we so particular about the choice of our future presidents and first ladies that we care so much for the way they talk? Of course yes, they are supposed to be the highest forms of life on earth and they set examples to fellow human beings all of the country (if not the world) in the way the walk, talk and what not! But, when it comes to GWB, there seem to be exceptions to everything. He is "the president" you see, the incarnation of Jesus Christ, the savior of democracy in the world (read one in charge of protecting oil fields in the world) and in deed, the most powerful man. Those who saw the clip from the recently held G8 summit would know how his mannerisms are in public. Some of his gestures are so dirty that I couldn't stop myself from writing about it.

Here are some of his actions that irked me:
1. The number of times GWB interrupted Tony Blair while he was speaking. Excuse me but isn't that something that they teach you when you are in Kindergarten?
2. Talking while his mouth was full. Again, kids who go to elementary school know better.
3. Open mouth chewing. I hate that noise.
4. The funniest of all "Yo Blair" greeting. What did he think? Blair is his buddy from the hood? What do you know, the next time he might say "Blair, what up dawg?"
5. Last but not the least using the four-letter word in an audience where many of the world's leaders are present. I don't even want to go there.
Is that what they teach in schools in Texas? Where is the standard that America has set for its presidents? Does GWB enjoy a unique privilege where he can do and say what his mind tells? His actions make me feel that we have a punk for a president.

Among other things, as of today 14,000 Iraqis have died in since the beginning of the year. Isn't that "one of the reasons" why we went to Iraq for a war - to stop genocide?


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