Thursday, July 06, 2006

Disinvestment - not good in my backyard; everywhere else - the best thing to happen in today's world.

Employees a of Neyveli Lignite Corporation, NLC, went on an indefinite strike on July 6 protesting the Indian government's decision to hive off ten percent of its share in the company. The bus and taxi operators expressed their support to the employees by staying away from the roads or "observed a bandh" and the educational institutions in the township declared a holiday. The thermal power generation stations were shut off bringing the production down to zero. There was one exception though - a small unit operated with a few people to meet in-house demand. Isn't that hypocrisy? Why work to meet in-house demand? Let everyone live in darkness. People have decided not to work, they don't deserve light, do they?

I was told that the NLC management has started observing performance of the employees and the trade unions do not enjoy the power to influence the decisions made by the management any more. Are these some of the reasons why they are concerned about the idea of disinvestment? The employees were extended an offer in which they could buy shares themselves but that did not please them in any way. What exactly are they worried about? Are they worried about the security of their jobs?

This is purely a political drama. The ruling party threatened the union government that it would withdraw its support if the government went ahead with its decision and the union government simply put a hold on its decision. The politicians want to remain in power rather than think about the development of the country.

Disinvestment is good. India has been realizing that for the past few years but when it comes to someone's very personal interest, disinvestment is the last thing to be considered. I have a few questions to the striking employees. Do they not have any sons or daughters in their families who work for private companies in India and other countries around the world? If the management is more particular about performance why does it hurt the employees? Why would the company lay off people if there are projects to be executed? People should get over the idea of getting a job after graduating from college, stay in that line, be promoted every few years, retire and live happily ever after. How boring is that? Perform well, impress your manager and try to climb up the organizational structure and excel in life - shouldn't these be the goals?

A majority doesn't think so, I believe.

Perhaps I wouldn't have written this post unless I have someone very dear to me work for NLC.


Blogger Oreo said...

Yay, you finally updated! Anyway, I agree, the general populice(?) should be concerned about improving their employment and their life. If not for themselves, then for their children.

So when r the wedding pictures going up on your blog?

10:28 AM  

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