Friday, July 28, 2006

The world has given permission to ... attack and kill?

Fifteen hundred rockets and still counting. Four hundred civilian casualties, thousands of refugees, Ninety percent of the bridges and eighty percent of the roads and the only major international airport - all destroyed. All these in the name of cleansing a terrorist organization. The Israeli ambassador to the UN told his Lebanese counterpart in the first couple of days of the crisis that his country was helping the latter's. Excuse me, did he say helping? The powerful countries of the world met together in Rome to discuss a solution but could not reach an agreement on enforcing a ceasefire on both sides. Why? Because Uncle Sam would not cooperate!

Those who have been following the progress (wrong word) of the crisis must have noticed that the media, especially American, blows it out of proportion when, say, three Israeli civilians die when at the same time when hundreds of Lebanese die, it is just a piece of news. Why does America support Israel so blindly? The partiality is so obvious that it makes it looks like a mother showing favoritism to one of her children.

The irony is that the UN is not able to do anything about it. Tony Blair wanted ceasefire and so did leaders from all over the world and there she is - Condoleezza Rice, the angel of peace, the dare devil who flew right in to the Lebanon, into war zone to show that America cares. She says that there can not be a ceasefire until there is a permanent solution and the rest of the world does nothing about it. Where is the UN? Too bad one of their own posts was hit by Israeli rockets. The truth is the UN can not do anything. The way the UN is set up, unless there is unanimity, they can not pass a resolution because some one can veto. What is going to happen is that the fighting will come to end when Israel feels that it has destroyed much of Lebanon and tells the world that it has destroyed Hezbollah. By then at least a thousand civilians would have died and the life will just go on in the rest of the world.

Will the US do something at least now that Israel has said that it got the permission from the countries of the world to keep attacking the Lebanese territory?


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