Thursday, June 07, 2007


I don't know if any one noticed or not but the section of this blog where I briefly describe myself is now different from how it was when I first started creating posts. I don't think many people read my blog but I hope at least one of those very few who read noticed the change. I sincerely do. I'm a person who pays attention to details and often notices changes. I not only notice changes but also observe things that are new to me. I noticed a lot of new things, cultural, conceptual, behavioral - you name it, when I came to the United States five years ago and I continue to do so. After all changes make our lives interesting.
Any way, the reason why I brought the issue of change in my description up is because the first version included the fact that I call myself "different". Am I really different or is it just that I'm currently with a pack of people who don't care about what happens around them that makes me look like I'm standing out? I wonder about that quite often.

My friend Miracle and I have realized, on several occasions, that we are wasting our lives by not doing so many things that we do have the chance and ability to do. Why don't I do any of that? I come to this conclusion that I should not be selfish and do things that bring pleasure and satisfaction to myself but should should also consider people who matter to me. The irony is in the fact that these so called things that I want to or would like to do are not purely for my own pleasure. I think of doing things for others, the poor, the helpless, the sick, the homeless, the less privileged and the god forsaken. Why don't I get out of the box and do what I want to do? Why do I always have second thoughts?

I have a feeling that this post is going to be awfully long and I ask myself why bother write all these. Who is going to read? Will it make any sense to the person who might read this? Chances are no one might read this and even if some one does, it might not make sense. You know why? because I'm talking about myself. I'm writing my thoughts as I think. What I think need not make any sense to others and I feel that it should not unless you know me so well, well enough to interpret my thoughts the same way as I do.

Here are some of the ideas that I have about things that happen around us. I don't like to have pets and call them man's best friends. If you ask me why, my answer is that animals are not supposed to be given orders to so that they will please you. They are supposed to be out there in the wild. I ask people how would they feel if they had a collar around their neck and a leash to hold them back from going where they want to. We call them man's best friends because we train them to act in such a way that they act according to our wishes.

Now, you might ask doesn't the same apply to how you discipline kids? No it doesn't. We discipline kids, teach them etiquettes and manners, punish them for wrong doings and so on because that is how mature their minds are. Kids do not have the ability to think rationally. We need to mold and shape their minds so that they grow up to be mature individuals who are capable of making the right decisions. That is why I got angry, not at any one in particular but at society on the whole, when I watched a news article on CNN where they showed some parents who let their kids decide what they wanted to learn from when the were five. Guess what one of the kids wanted to learn - online shopping.

The parent might think she is doing a favor to the kids by leaving the choice up to him or her but the truth, at least according to me, is that they are making a blunder. The kids will grow up not knowing much about the world other than online shopping and how long do you think the attention span will be?

Yes, this is getting very long and boring. May be I should stop thinking and focus on the paper that I'm actually working on so late in the evening.

Before I wind up, let me mention about something funny that happened at work the other day. My manager, a co worker and I figured out something that was randomly sequential. Did that make sense? See! I told you it won't!


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